Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 79

śrīmad-uddhava uvāca
na rāja-rājeśvaratā-vibhūtīr
na divya-vastūni ca te bhavattaḥ
na kāmayante ’nyad apīha kiñcid
amutra ca prāpyam ṛte bhavantam

Śrīmān Uddhava said: The people of Vraja don’t want from You the power and wealth of emperors, nor the enjoyments found in heaven, nor anything else obtainable in this world or the next. They desire nothing else but You.

Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 79

śrīmad-uddhava uvāca

na rāja-rājeśvaratā-vibhūtīr

na divya-vastūni ca te bhavattaḥ

na kāmayante ’nyad apīha kiñcid

amutra ca prāpyam ṛte bhavantam


Śrīmān Uddhava said: The people of Vraja don’t want from You the power and wealth of emperors, nor the enjoyments found in heaven, nor anything else obtainable in this world or the next. They desire nothing else but You.