Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 4

bhūmau kvāpi skhalati patati kvāpi tiṣṭhaty aceṣṭaḥ
kvāpy utkampaṁ bhajati luṭhati kvāpi rodity athārtaḥ
kvāpy ākrośan plutibhir ayate gāyati kvāpi nṛtyan
sarvaṁ kvāpi śrayati yugapat prema-sampad-vikāram

He sometimes tripped and fell to the ground and sometimes stood motionless. Sometimes his body trembled, or he rolled on the ground, or he wept in great distress. He sometimes shouted and jumped about, sometimes sang and danced. And sometimes all the transformations of priceless love of God converged in him at once.

Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 4

bhūmau kvāpi skhalati patati kvāpi tiṣṭhaty aceṣṭaḥ

kvāpy utkampaṁ bhajati luṭhati kvāpi rodity athārtaḥ

kvāpy ākrośan plutibhir ayate gāyati kvāpi nṛtyan

sarvaṁ kvāpi śrayati yugapat prema-sampad-vikāram


He sometimes tripped and fell to the ground and sometimes stood motionless. Sometimes his body trembled, or he rolled on the ground, or he wept in great distress. He sometimes shouted and jumped about, sometimes sang and danced. And sometimes all the transformations of priceless love of God converged in him at once.