Weekly Catch-up Podcast #23 with Carson Gibbons and Bradley Colvin.

**The Timeless Episode**

Mr. Bradley Colvin is enjoying spring break vacation in Colorado, so we put together a framework for conversation that pits us one-on-one, interview style. We got together and recorded this episode with thoughts already formulated on where the conversation may lead, and we ended up tackling some big life questions, as well as some trivial preferences. We hope you enjoy.

In Episode #23 the guys discuss:

Who are three public-profile individuals whose careers you respect and why?
Who was somebody who had a profound impact on your life other than a parent or teacher growing up?
If you could go back and give your 20 year old self some advice, what would it be?
What’s the job you’ve had that no listener would expect you to have had?
If you had to host one of the gameshows for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
If you had to listen to one podcast (other than ours) for the rest of your life, which would it be?
If you could see one stand-up comic perform, which one would it be?
If you could only use one social media platform for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
If you could be a cop or a fireman, which one?
Blondes or brunettes?
We’re both on our third car. What’s your dream car, if money were no issue?
If you could be a professional athlete, which sport, and even which team?
What’s one of the biggest fears you have when thinking about the entirety of your life?

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