Oklahoma Opens Covid-19 Testing to All Sickly citizens, and The Death Rate Dilutes.  A week ago we held the 4th highest death rate among those testing positive, in state health records. Now the governor has thousands more getting tested earlier and quicker. In the past week our death rate went from 3.98%, down to 3.68%. Some other state are hovering about 2%  Humans are creating the best vaccines in their recoveries.  SoonerPolitics.org is committed to informing & mobil [...]

  Oklahoma Opens Covid-19 Testing to All Sickly citizens, and The Death Rate Dilutes.  A week ago we held the 4th highest death rate among those testing positive, in state health records. Now the governor has thousands more getting tested earlier and quicker. In the past week our death rate went from 3.98%, down to 3.68%. Some other state are hovering about 2%
  Humans are creating the best vaccines in their recoveries.
  SoonerPolitics.org is committed to informing & mobilizing conservative Oklahomans for civic reform & restored liberty. 
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