Humans are creating the best vaccines in their recoveries.  This segment has a very personal aspect.  My sister just finished a grueling 2 weeks of covid-19 illness. Tonight we got the final test results and her blood is flowing in active antibodies which are doing victory laps through her veins as the Covid-19 virus succumbed to her powerful immune system. Her medical team is now planning her schedule to donate plasma with this rich antibody powers to kill the virus in patients [...]

  Humans are creating the best vaccines in their recoveries.
  This segment has a very personal aspect.  My sister just finished a grueling 2 weeks of covid-19 illness. Tonight we got the final test results and her blood is flowing in active antibodies which are doing victory laps through her veins as the Covid-19 virus succumbed to her powerful immune system. Her medical team is now planning her schedule to donate plasma with this rich antibody powers to kill the virus in patients who need it the worst.
  It becomes a different sort of safe vaccine. is committed to informing & mobilizing conservative Oklahomans for civic reform & restored liberty. 
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