A STEPHEN KING sequel is at the movies, FAF DE KLERK'S Speedo is SOLD OUT, MICHAEL JACKSON'S socks are up for grabs, another MINNEAPOLIS muscial legend releases a memoir at the right TIME and AL PACINO spills the beans on the origin of his signature catch phrase.

Faf De Klerk's Speedo https://www.beanbagthebrand.com/

Michael Jackson's socks moonwalks to the auction block https://www.gottahaverockandroll.com/Michael_Jackson__Motown_25__Yesterday__Today__Fore-LOT29101.aspx

Al Pacino reveals the origins behind his catchphrase https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/al-pacino-reveals-origin-of-iconic-catchphrase-from-oscarwinning-performance-070221101.html

If you're ready to produce your own podcast, contact the podcast experts at SolidGoldStudios.co.za

A STEPHEN KING sequel is at the movies, FAF DE KLERK'S Speedo is SOLD OUT, MICHAEL JACKSON'S socks are up for grabs, another MINNEAPOLIS muscial legend releases a memoir at the right TIME and AL PACINO spills the beans on the origin of his signature catch phrase.

Faf De Klerk's Speedo https://www.beanbagthebrand.com/

Michael Jackson's socks moonwalks to the auction block https://www.gottahaverockandroll.com/Michael_Jackson__Motown_25__Yesterday__Today__Fore-LOT29101.aspx

Al Pacino reveals the origins behind his catchphrase https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/al-pacino-reveals-origin-of-iconic-catchphrase-from-oscarwinning-performance-070221101.html

If you're ready to produce your own podcast, contact the podcast experts at SolidGoldStudios.co.za