In Episode 10 we chat to Mary-Anne Collis, Conservation Officer with Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels. Mary-Anne tells all about her conservation experience across the globe, and how she ended up working with “Irn-bru” squirrels in Loch Lomond & the Trossachs. Scotland is home to 75% of the UK’s red squirrel population, and SSRS is doing loads of amazing work to protect them. In the last 70 years the UK has seen a huge decrease in numbers, with the surviving red squirrels being pushed further and further north year on year. These beautiful little beasties are struggling due to habitat loss, competition, and disease, with the introduced grey squirrels limiting their populations into small pockets throughout Scotland. Did you know you can log on to SSRS website and check out their squirrel sighting map? You can also notify them of any squirrels you see in your area – grey or red. Both are important!

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