Shopping continues this week as the party buys a huge and elaborate cake, meat as owlbear food and a cart to drag it in, and a live chicken. Rwrarp freaked out the tabaxi hat merchant when he had Greg retrieve his wizard hat. And then they convinced a snake to show them to a place to stay.

A good day in Neverwinter.

This week is Session 06 Side B of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that

In this week’s episode shopping continues! The party bought pastries including a magnificent cake. Hal bought a large portion of meat, reportedly as owlbear food, and a cart to drag it around in. He also bought a live chicken for Krask. Rwrarp freaked out a haberdasher when he had Greg retrieve his shiny new wizard hat. And they convinced a snake to show them to a place to stay.

A good time RPing was had by all.

Finally getting some puns back into the rotation!

Please, enjoy the show!

Actual ending of the episode is at 31:30. For some reason there’s about 23 minutes of silence that compiled at the end of this episode. Please ignore this technical difficulty.