Minneapolis DFL Chair Devin Hogan is here to talk about the 2021 virtual caucus and convention process. I ask Devin what it feels like to get yelled at for fun, and how it felt to have Mayor Frey and a number of other City Council candidates try to cancel the work they'd put into having an endorsement process this year. 

This year, the process is virtual which may increase participation. In a normal year, as a delegate, it could land you in a school auditorium for 10 hours. Why do we do this? Shouldn't we just have primaries? I admit to Devin that I hate caucuses and conventions - but have come around to the conclusion that it's better than not having them. Devin sounds committed to making the process less painful in future years.

Check out minneapolisdfl.org for details on how to register so you can participate in the caucus starting April 1. Find out how it works and which candidates (57) are seeking the endorsement for 25 city offices - including mayor, city council, park board, and board of estimate and taxation.

I tried to end this episode at 35 minutes but Devin insisted we talk about some hot topics, so consider that bonus content. This is the best deal in podcasting.

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