The problem no one can overlook anymore: obesity in America. Carole Carson (author of From Fat to Fit: Turn Yourself into a Weapon of Mass Reduction) discovered that ending 40 years of weight trouble began with changing her mind, and how she has inspired thousands to do the same. Then Dr. Denise Lamothe (holistic doctor, […]

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The problem no one can overlook anymore: obesity in America. Carole Carson (author of From Fat to Fit: Turn Yourself into a Weapon of Mass Reduction) discovered that ending 40 years of weight trouble began with changing her mind, and how she has inspired thousands to do the same. Then Dr. Denise Lamothe (holistic doctor, weight loss specialist, and author of The Taming of the Chew: A Holistic Guide to Stopping Compulsive Eating) shares the secrets of Bach Flower Remedies.

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