The book tells the true story of the author’s turbulent journey from rags to riches and back again. His story is so relevant to current events in today’s World. His goal for the book is to give back to the communities that ultimately certified him and then saved his life. Andrew will consider that the […]

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The book tells the true story of the author’s turbulent journey from rags to riches and back again. His story is so relevant to current events in today’s World. His goal for the book is to give back to the communities that ultimately certified him and then saved his life. Andrew will consider that the book is a success if it helps anyone in who finds themselves in a dark place or on the road to ruin with:

1) Drug addiction

2) Mental Health

3) Homelessness

4) Social injustices and poverty reduction

It all began in Scotland. Andrew worked hard to earn a degree and launch a successful sporting goods business. He and his wife make the decision to relocate to British Columbia, Canada where Andrew starts a new career teaching snowboarding. 

There is a terrible accident brought on by reckless behavior. The stunt nearly costs him his leg and keeps him off the slopes. Eventually , he finds a new job. They manage to steadily build their financial holdings and invest in real estate. Everything seems to be going their way and they become quite wealthy. However, this prosperity and good fortune things weren’t to last.

Andrew develops Crohn’s disease, a painful, chronic inflammation of the bowel. As a result, he becomes addicted to painkillers and his life steadily falls apart. He is unable to work, his marriage ends in a bitter divorce and he loses his homes as well as all of his worldly possessions. 

Now homeless, he bounces between bleak homeless shelters and psych wards for a few years, struggling to kick his addiction and escape the vicious cycle of poverty in order to restart his life. He gets healthier, but is forced to accept that he may never get back to where he was before the ordeal.

Navigating missteps and hurdles along the way, he continues looking for the path forward, with occasional support from family and good friends, as well as the companionship of his loyal dog, Cheyenne. 

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