Author and poet Dr. Allyene Palmer, Ph.D., M.A. in Theology, looks back upon her life as a panorama of tragedy and triumph.  Her book begins during the Great Depression and continues through World War II, The Cold War, The Korean Conflict, and Viet Nam, up to the current wars in the Middle East. In this […]

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Author and poet Dr. Allyene Palmer, Ph.D., M.A. in Theology, looks back upon her life as a panorama of tragedy and triumph. 

Her book begins during the Great Depression and continues through World War II, The Cold War, The Korean Conflict, and Viet Nam, up to the current wars in the Middle East. In this autobiography, the reader follows the author’s life through eight decades in a series of vignettes describing her growth from toddler to teenager to adult, and beyond.

The author shares her inward struggle trying to cope with divorce, remarriage, and the melding of two families of children and young adults into one cohesive new family.

There are tales of spiritual growth as the author “stumbles her way” through the unexpected pitfalls of life. 

Experiences described in the book are funny, poignant, and at times heart-breaking. These life experiences finally lead to a statement of faith.

The author says, “What I know now is that, although I stumbled blindly through the greatest part of my life, God has loved and protected me.”

Interwoven into the stories, is a sense of an emerging spirituality that culminates in a firm conviction that she has never been outside that love and protection, regardless of the pitfalls and errors.

The adventures of living these several lives during eighty plus years have given the author a perspective on life that she describes as a struggle to come to terms with personal imperfections and to achieve wholeness.

Denied an education in her youth, Dr. Palmer was able to achieve a master’s degree in theology at age seventy-five and a doctorate in philosophy at seventy-eight. She hopes that her achievements will help women realize that “we are never old until we think we are.”

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