When you think of Foursquare, the popular, location-based social media app, you surely think of things like check-ins and badges and becoming "mayor." That was fine with Dennis Crowley, Foursquare's founder, so long as it meant you were using Foursquare. But it's not what he cared about.

Dennis wasn't building an app for people to show their friends where they were going. Dennis just needed to know where you were going so he could tell other people the best places to go, too. The game layer was just the strategy that convinced people to tell him, but the data was what he really wanted and, ultimately, what he got.

In fact, all that data Foursquare collected is what allowed Dennis to build what he likes to call the Internet's "location layer." And while you may have thought you stopped using Foursquare a while ago, or you might have thought you never used it, chances are you're using it more than ever. Heck... you're probably using it right now. You'll find out why on this episode of Web Masters.

For a complete transcript of the episode, click here.