Join your guide Cory Fowler as he talks to the product teams in Redmond as well as the web community.

This is the first of a number of shows that I've been wanting to do for a while which shows the level of passion and commitment that many people at Microsoft have around their areas of expertise. This show in particular is the first of it's kind and who better to kick things off then our great friend Mads Kristensen.

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Mads Kristensen on GitHubBlogEngine.netMiniBlog [MiniBlogFormatter]Visual Studio Web Tooling  [GitHub]Web Dev Blogs [GitHub]Web Dev Checklist [GitHub] [Chrome Extension]Visual Studio Chrome Extension Project Template [GitHub]Trailing Whitespace Visualizer Extension [GitHub]Add New File [GitHub]Open Command Line Extension [GitHub]SchemaStore [GitHub]GlyphList [GitHub]VsixGallery [GitHub]