In This Episode

Guest: Isaac Pato and Scott Peake of Basehunters Chasing
Lightning Round: Weather Match Game
Titan U Minute with Chris Sanner: Monsoon Pattern Primer
The team discusses Storm Chaser Competition
Wx Resources: We provide some great weather sites, apps and equipment
Weather Fools: We share the foolish things people do in bad weather situations
Our next guest/show

Our Guests

Basehunters Chasing (Isaac Pato and Scott Peake)

Basehunters Chasing is committed to capturing and sharing the most unique severe weather footage and photos on the market. As meteorologists and ‘weather geeks’ we are passionate about forecasting violent weather and promoting community resilience against severe weather hazards.

Basehunters Chasing, LLC was founded by Colt Forney, Isaac Pato, Kevin Rolfs and Scott Peake in 2010 to share our chase photography and videography with the world. Selected by as Storm Chasers to Follow on Instagram.

Basehunters on YouTube

Basehunters on Facebook

Basehunters on Twitter

Sponsor: of Severe Weather Center

Titan U Minute with Chris Sanner:

WxResources Links

Phil: Bill Paxton Memorial Event Sept 16-17 Wakita, OK
Kim: Buzz Bernard Books
Brady: NWS Weather Education
Phil: Indian Storm Chaser's Convention Nov 18th

Weather Fools Links

Phil: Istanbul Reporter Pelted by Hail
Kim: 2 Feet of Snow
Brady: Thief of Brady's Tropical Lightning Photo

Submit your questions or comments about this show to [email protected] and we may read it on our next episode!

Next episode (34), our guest will be former Hurricane Hunter and current National Hurricane Center member, Warren Madden.


Opening and Closing Music: Andrew Slotta

Twitter Mentions