In This Episode

Brought to you by the Drive Weather app
We begin streaming our shows LIVE to the public on on June 8! Also SUBSCRIBE and set your NOTIFICATIONS so you get informed when we start streaming during Chase Week 2023 in late May.
Guest(s): Adam Skinner, Creator of Instant Weather and 3D Weather Verse
Storm Chaser Safety Tips - Chaser Convergence
Lightning Round - Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll
#weatherfools - We present the fools doing stupid things in weather situations
Weather Trollbot 5000 - Our repurposed robot interprets what our weather friends were really thinking when responding to trolls
Next Episode's Guest

Presented by the Drive Weather app - Showing motorists weather along their route at the expected time they will be at each point on their road trip.  Visit

Check out our Patreon page for exciting ways to support our podcast and interact with us more!


Our Guest: Adam Skinner

Adam Skinner is the director and founder of Instant Weather, creator of a popular weather app in Canada with plans to launch in the U.S. this year along with the new “Instant Weather Pro” radar suite. Adam has also recently joined forces with GeoSynergy in Australia to create the 3D Weatherverse, which is a real-time weather simulation tool and storm chasing simulator built inside of the groundbreaking Unreal Engine 5.


For more storm chaser/spotter safety tips, visit the ACES Weather Spotter Safety Program

#weatherfools Links:

Phil - Swimmer Misses the Cut
Phil - Dickburg
Phil - Dude Flips Out Over Flipped Car
Phil - Near Death By Window
Phil - Chris Robbins Needs Tony Robbins
Brady - Scared Stiff by Car Acrobatics
MJ from Kurtis - Stopped in Tracks by Tornado Taking Car with It
MJ from Steve - Patio Isn't His Safe Place
MJ from Shannon - Everything but the Kitchen Sink at the Bridge

Submit your questions or comments about this show to [email protected] or on our social media accounts and we may read it on our next episode!

Twitter: @stromfrontfreak
Facebook: @stormfrontfreaks
Instagram: @stormfrontfreaks
YouTube "RAW":

Next Episode…We'll be putting together highlights from our Storm Front Freaks Chase Week 2023 in late May.  SUBSCRIBE and set your NOTIFICATIONS on our channel so you can get notified whenever we go LIVE.  Look for the audio podcast on your favorite podcast player the following Sunday.


Opening Music: Brett Epstein
Closing Music: Gabe Cox
Other Music: “Pecos Hank” Schyma from El Reno Blues

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