This is the Weather in New York City for October 12th. The day promises to be delightful for those who enjoy spending time outdoors, with the weather being mostly sunny and presenting a high temperature of 70°F. The maximum UV index is moderate at 4, so while some sun protection might be advisable, the risk is not extreme. A gentle breeze will be present, coming from the west at 4 mph, with potential gusts up to 6 mph. The probability of precipitation and thunderstorms is non-existent, at 0%, and no precipitation is expected with a minimal cloud cover of 8%. Moving into the night, temperatures will dip to a cooler 52°F, under partly cloudy skies. Winds will shift slightly to come from the north-northwest at 5 mph, with gusts potentially reaching 10 mph. There's a very slight chance of precipitation at 3%, but no thunderstorms are expected, and the cloud cover will increase slightly to 26%.
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