On April 19, 2024, Max Azzarello etched his name in American history books alongside other fateful events that have occurred on that same day in U.S. history. There's a lesson in his seemingly crazy action that without the proper historical context might be missed. April 19th also happens to be both the opening shots of the American Revolution when colonial militiamen opened fire on British troops at the battles of Lexington and Concord, and the date of the end of the Waco siege where federal jackboots torched innocent women and children to get at David Koresh. The juxtaposition of these two events, brought into stark relief by Azzarello's concerns about the encroaching tyranny of our illegitimate "leaders," teach us a very important lesson about the cost of freedom. On April 19, 1775 the American colonists had enough, on April 19, 1993, the American people apparently did not even though innocent women and children were burned alive by their government in front of all of us. Fast forward to 2024, where the growing tyranny of 1993 has been left unchecked, and a sick, defeated, apathetic society cries out for freedom, through the tortured protests of the Azzarellos of the world. The proper country that was America in 1775 desperately needs a revival.

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