On today’s episode of the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast, I’m joined by Hans Knol. Hans has mastered the art of Airbnb and he owns a thriving Airbnb business without actually owning any real estate. He is helping real estate investors, agents, brokers, and entrepreneurs achieve a stable recurring income by providing teaching and coaching with his BNB Brokering Masterclasses.

As an Airbnb super host myself, I learned a ton from this conversation, Hans and I discuss the mindset of a successful host and how to structure an Airbnb business as an actual business. He shares the secrets on how to set up properties intelligently to break through the noise and competition. We talk about how to market properties to keep a full calendar with the technologies and tools that most don't know about that can make all the difference for a healthy real estate investment income stream.

This information is very relevant right now in light of what's going on in the marketplace. As a host, my very nice Airbnb income vanished overnight as my reservations and bookings for the next three months canceled. So I'm taking this time to upgrade my properties, improving my systems, and implementing what Hans recommends to be well-positioned and highly competitive for when people start booking again. For anyone with an Airbnb property, listening to these tips is important and it may be what carries you over the other side. If you don't have an Airbnb yet, now might be the time to put this strategy in place.


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