Today on Wealthy Wellthy Wise I interview Shannon and Mark Grainger. Mark & Shannon are the World’s Leading Authority on the “Business of Speaking,” helping their clients land some of the most coveted stages. They specifically help Speakers, Experts, and Politicians create a movement and monetize their message. They‘re famous for creating “Signature Talk Marketing” to help Speakers, Experts, and Coaches stop spinning their wheels with technology and get paid what they’re worth through the power of speaking. Together they successfully own and run My Big Impact and are what I’ve dubbed the “Couplepreneurs”.

In this episode Shannon, Mark, and I talk about spirituality and money, and how to reconcile the two. We discuss spirituality quite a bit in this conversation and really dig into the meaning and power of words. Mark and Shannon have such a wide array of knowledge we discuss examples of topics ranging from handling household finances as a couple to gaining the confidence necessary to have a profitable business. Mark and Shannon emphasize public speaking, and why it is still the most powerful connection and message. If you’re a public speaker or anyone looking to get your voice heard be sure to listen to this conversation.


For show notes and more info: