At OUR AGE a podcast created for us vibrant and invigorating over sixty five folks.

Many of us feel as though we are being “ pushed and shunted aside”, as though we no longer contribute to society.

This podcast is highlighting every day common folk who are leading successful lives as this generation of sixty five and older continue to create memorable experiences. 

The podcast will be informal, short interviews with people I know and future people whom I meet who want to share their productive lives.

Most importantly, this information is to show the world that we have easily twenty to thirty more years to contribute to the world economy, serve others and enlighten them with our successful living. I have sixty seven years and I ride a bike everyday ten to twenty miles, I practice yoga everyday, swim.  I have my new business creating online virtual, private speaking courses.  I also create  another podcast Wealth, Yoga, Wine.  I love my life.

 Podcast details  have researched companies that provide support in health and well being for this generation: Travel, Housing, Employment, Food and Wine, Bicycling, Golf, Clothing, endless possibilities for our generation



Three  examples in the next podcast will be Watermark Properties, Gulport Senior Center (Florida),  and Electric Bikes.


MY CONTACT.    [email protected]

Fear of Public Speaking Minicourse:

Wealth, Yoga, Wine podcast