When you only have a single tool in your toolkit, eventually your solutions will just make the problem worse.
For years, governments have had a single response to every recession: create more debt. As a result, businesses and consumers are drowning in debt with very little cash to see them through this crisis.
Meanwhile, politicians are using the only tool they have. Nancy Pelosi couldn't be troubled to disrupt her impeachment charade in January and February. But now she says it's Trump's fault that people are dying, because he took too long to react.
And finally, libertarians have been even more useless than usual. Their only value is "the government is bad," so they've offered nothing productive to move the conversation forward.
Things look bleak right now. But one man's tragedy is another's opportunity. And that's good! Because we need some silver linings.
Those who are paying attention now can start creating a better world. Opportunities abound. You just have to start looking for them.