Once your business really begins to grow, you’ll need to make a decision: should you quit your day job to do it full time?

But first, you’ll need to spend time building it up — while working your day job.

While juggling the two can be stressful, it’s an inevitable part of the journey for most of us. Before giving up your salary, you must be sure that your business can meet your income goals!

This is a critical period in your entrepreneurial journey. How can you make it less stressful and more effective?

Practice good time management. 

Schedule 10-20 hours per week to work on your business — and stick to them. This means telling your family you cannot be disturbed during that time. 

Know where to focus. 

Spend your time purposefully and focus on the things that will really move the needle forward. Don’t get caught up on the small things, like which font to use on your business cards. Make sure your website looks professional, but don’t fuss with the small details. 

Batch your work. 

Schedule large blocks of time in order to batch tasks. For example, spend one hour brainstorming content for the month, one creating outlines, and then a few more creating the content. Over the course of one weekend (or even half a day), you could create a month’s worth of content!

These are just a few of my top tips for building your business while working your day job. Want to hear the rest? You’ll have to listen to the episode!

In this episode, you’ll discover:

7 top tips for building up your business in your free timeThe #1 early-stage investment you can make How to optimize your home environment 

Subscribe now and never miss a single episode!

“There’s never going to be a perfectly right time where all the stars align. There’s only right now. So you’ve just got to start right now and work with the time that you have.”

—  Tasha Cochran

Highlights:‌ ‌

01:11  Stumbling into entrepreneurship  03:55  Savvy time management  05:55  Where should you focus?  07:19  Your #1 investment  08:19  Stop relying on Google!  10:17  Get ready to batch!  11:53  Outside support 14:06  Environment is everything  16:16  The right tools for the job17:28  Work with me!  

 ‌Links:‌ ‌

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Join the Ascend Incubator: https://onebighappylife.com/coaching 

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