Nobody Is Going To Take A Chance On You Without A Connection

Welcome to the episode 20 of the 2nd season of “WE WERE ON A BREAK” - Ross Voice. The series where the host, Stephen Brent Sargeant (Compliance Consultant to Bitfinex) talks to industry professionals during the CoronaVirus (COVID-19) quarantine and gains industry insights and expertise. Although the LinkedIn algorithm won’t have you believe this, there are very few recruiters or hiring manager that will take a chance on a professional who doesn’t meet the minimum requirements for the job, without there being some connection via a third party or an existing professional relationship.

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In this episode the host, Stephen Brent Sargeant discusses how to make better connections to be given those career opportunities even though you don’t have the exact skills that the job requires. Armed with this information, you can spend more of your time building meaningful connections instead of just sending your resume to the black hole of AWS systems and recruiters who are managing multiple openings at a time.

**This interview was recorded on January 16, 2022
The views and opinions expressed in this episode (and all episodes) are those of the host and the guests. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of their employers, contractors or any organization they may be affiliated with now or in the future.

Discussion Topics:
•The amazing stories on LinkedIn of a recruiter or hiring manager taking a chance on random professionals is not the norm and are usually strategically placed by the author to game the algorithm to get more exposure
•Having a connection makes a huge difference and its always great if a connection can vouch for your skills, work ethic or easy to manage personality (mentioned: Carol Stewart and Rodney MacInnes)
•Recruiters are not going to send a tonne of unqualified professionals to the client for them to consider. This negates exactly what the recruiter is there for, which is to find talented individuals that best suit the position
•Companies don’t have the time, resources or money to just keep taking chances on people and its expensive to train professionals that they are taking the chance on
•Go out and meet more professionals and make sure you stand out either in-person or via video or audio format (i.e. blogs, podcasts, video explainers)
•Would you take a chance on you ?? Have you added any value to your professional network or built meaningful connections or have you just been asking everyone you know if they have a job for you
•Look for opportunities, not jobs. Opportunities multiply so much that the jobs will come to you if you are adding value (ie. volunteering at events or with newsletters etc.)
•Nobody is just going to blindly refer you to the job if they don’t have an existing relationship with you or know someone who does.

If you have any other questions feel free to send them (anonymously if you prefer) here ➡

Polo Shirt from thumbnail can be found at BlackNorth Initiative ➡

Stephen Brent Sargeant (Host)
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•Business Related Matters (Let’s Collab): [email protected]

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•Goose Goddi (Music Producer) -
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