During We Want The D Minnie Mouse-isodes, the listeners are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The host who diligently researches and presents stories from Disney's colourful history, and the hosts who get to listen and crack jokes. These are their stories.


Winter, 2018. The geodesic dome known as Epcot. A weary Disney World employee makes his way into the abandoned pavilion. She gives the empty hall a casual once-over - nobody cares about this place aside from a few hardcore nerds online who take the time to "break in" to the largely unsecured space and film videos in portrait mode on their smartphones. She's about to move on when her brain catches up to her eyes, which casually drifted past a spotlight-lit space moments before. The boy...where is the boy? Her eyes dart from the vacant chair to the dangling, hoses. A brackish, oily fluid drips from roughly severed black tubes. She scrambles for her walkie-talkie. "H-Hello, we have a situation at Epcot! Someone has stolen Buzzy!"