As podcast listeners, we can assume that you, our beloved D-Sciples, are pretty technologically savvy. But imagine trying to explain to your grandparents what a podcast is, or how to listen to one. Can you imagine their confusion and disinterest? If you're having trouble, might we suggest a viewing of Disney's TRON? A movie made in the early days of home computing about the inner drama of programs, their enslavement by an all-powerful, chess playing Master Controller, and their steadfast belief in all-powerful users who will come to save them. Tron is a confusing movie with a confusing story and a confusing visual aesthetic. But, if you need anymore convincing to watch this movie or at the very least listen to this episode of We Want The D, a sweaty Jeff Bridges does take his shirt off at one point, and wears a skin-tight leotard costume that reveals a lot by what it needs to cover up...