To celebrate the release of Disney's live action version of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST on blu-ray, DVD and Clamshell VHS; We Want The D is releasing our episode discussing the film. Recorded just a few days after Vicky, Nolan and Jill saw the movie in theatres, it's a blast from the recent past that will answer all your burning questions about how our hosts felt about this interpretation of these beloved characters, songs and story. Did Emma Watson breathe fresh life into the role or did she come short? Were the musical numbers a visual spectacle or weak homage? Did changes to the story address all the plot holes of the original, or were they just distracting? You'll only find out by listening, so pop the headphones on and get ready to revisit the world of Beauty and the Beast all over again as We Want The D proves Disney aren't the only ones who can churn out remakes of old content.

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