Let it never be said that Vicky, Nolan and Jill can't finish something they start. This week on We Want The D, our hosts are wrapping up the first complete franchise in their journey through the Disney canon. Sure, it may only comprise of a mere two films, but the two movies combined are almost four hours of some of the dumbest storytelling and nonsensical film-making our hosts have been exposed to. Beloved as the book series may be (especially by Vicky), THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT is not the sequel fans were likely hoping for, or even expecting. Does anyone really care what happened to young Mia Thermopolis after the events of the first movie, now that she's a privileged princess of a small principality? Was anyone clamouring for a sequel that essentially robs the characters of any agency or personality? Is anyone actually entertained by a bachelorette party of vaudeville routines, mattress surfing, or Julie Andrews giving a performance that gets dangerously close to a rapping granny? If the first movie was dumb and bad, the adjectives to describe this one are even less generous.

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