This week on We Want The D, our hosts make sure to follow their ABCs - Alway's Be Caging. Because you never know what you're going to get when you watch Nicholas Cage in a movie. Case and point: Disney's The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Very (very) loosely based on the Fantasia segment, proposed and championed by Cage himself, you'd think the result would be an intense Nicholas Cage running around in some outrageous costume, screaming spells in people's faces and giving one of his classic over-the-top performances. But you gotta remember to ALWAYS BE CAGING because in this week's movie, Cage opted for a more mellow, understated performance. Why, as the lead actor, should he take any of the spotlight? Nor should main antagonist Alfred Molina for that matter. Really, this movie should be all about Jay Baruchel, playing the awkward geek who happily finds out he has magic powers that will allow him to stalk his childhood crush save the world from a possessed Monica Bellucci who spends most of the film trapped in a Russian nesting doll. As you may have gathered by now, this movie is bonkers...but it's a kind of mellow bonkers that makes it all the more infuriating.