What would you do with a million dollars? Wait, let's be more specific: what would you do if you were a young boy with a million dollars in 1994? Your imagination may be running wild; but when Disney attempted to answer this simple question with BLANK CHECK, things somehow went horribly wrong. This week on We Want The D, Vicky, Nolan and Jill are providing a little education to go along with our regular goofs and gaffes, as we pick apart this movie the way it truly deserves - by seeing if it follows the fifteen essential beats every movie should adhere to as laid out by this film's very own author, Blake Snyder. Author of one of the most popular books on the craft of screenwriting, Snyder's work here may be (kinda) structurally sound, but you have to question what was going through his head when he came up with ideas for his pint-sized protagonist like a Roots fashion shows with his middle-aged limo driver or a romantic dinner date with a woman old enough to know better than to flirt with a prepubescent boy.