It's another double header this week on We Want The D. In this episode; Vicky, Nolan and Jill are braving the wilds of Canada and California to follow the journey of two groups of pets. In 1963, two dogs and a cat made their way from a remote cabin back to their home, encountering the very real dangers of being animal actors on a film set before there were any regulations in place to prevent them from being put in conflict with actual bears, bobcats, and porcupines; or being tossed willy-nilly into actual rapids. In 1993, two dogs and a cat voiced by the likes of Michael J. Fox and Sally Fields journeyed from a ranch to their sprawling estate, but had to deal with a lot more interpersonal conflict between each other since they could actually talk and have personalities beyond what a narrator could relay to the audience. There's some conflicting opinions between which of these two Disney movies inspired by the same source material did a better job at, well, being a movie among our hosts this week. So enjoy the debate as we talk about THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY and HOMEWARD BOUND: THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY.