Those of you who have been with We Want The D for some time now know that we have watched a lot of strange movies. Some of them with leprechauns, some of them with Tim Allen. But none of them even come close to Disney's The Barefoot Executive. It is a pinnacle of Disney at their most bizarre, and most arrogant. What else could explain making a movie that essentially says the mainstream American audience has the same taste as a chimpanzee? How else can you justify the extended slapstick sequence of a television network executive and his driver capering on the outside of a building for what feels like a third of the film's run time? Simple put, the House of Mouse knew they could slap Kurt Russell and an ape on a poster and watch the money roll in. As bananas as this movie is, though, Vicky, Nolan and Jill can't help but be kind of into it, as any film that captures many of the frustrations of working in the television industry so accurately will always earn a special place in our hearts.