Up there! In the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a man with a rocket pack strapped to his back, and oh god his legs are on fire and he's being horribly burned! Welcome, D Lovers, to Disney's The Rocketeer, the 1991 comic book film starring every character actor you've ever loved. Vicky, Nolan and Jill all went into this movie blind, but all three of our hosts ended up deriving some level of enjoyment out of it. It's hard not to, what with the bland handsomeness of star Billy Campbell and a tear-stained Jennifer Connolly; a mustachioed Alan Arkin, and Timothy Dalton in what must be his most villainous role to date. There's even a surprise or two to be had, unless of course your boyfriend spoils the twist before you even sit down to watch the movie. Listen and enjoy, D Lovers, and then join us down at the old dog-shaped diner for a nice bowl of tomato soup.