Halloween Month continues, and we gotta be honest, D Lovers - it's starting to feel like the House of Mouse is incapable of crafting a Halloween story that is entertaining, let alone scary. The Haunted Mansion may be based on a beloved theme park ride, and released the same year as another movie based on a ride that has spawned a billion dollar franchise, but it's a ghostly shadow of it's nautical cousin on all fronts. This is an antebellum ghost story of forbidden love (why is their love forbidden? We won't say, but you can take a wild guess!) told through the lens of a modern day family led by a criminally misused Eddie Murphy and his very young wife trying to sell an old house occupied by the most obvious ghosts ever (and Jennifer Tilly's head in a crystal ball). You won't laugh or be scared by this movie, but you'll be amazed at how bored you can be watching Eddie Murphy complete mundane fetch quests while his oblivious wife is led on the longest guided tour of all time. The ride is far from wild this week on We Want The D.