We made it, D-Lovers! Twenty-five episode of We Want The D seems as good a place to celebrate a milestone as any, and we're doing so by watching one of Disney's most beloved animated classics, The Jungle Book. The film is a master class in taking many of the elements that Vicky, Nolan and Jill have complained about in past movies, and making them a delight. It's not such a big deal if a movie is just a sequence of events loosely tied together by a simple plot if each one of those sequences is a smorgasbord of gorgeous animation, impeccable voice work, timeless songs, and honest-to-goodness funny jokes. So we would like to thank you, our listeners, for tuning in for the past 25 weeks, and hope that  you will stick with us as we continue this adventure in the Disney catalogue. And we want to thank Disney, of course, for providing the fuel - whether it causes us to burn with confusion or anger, or shine with delight and wonder, it's always an adventure worth taking.