As always, Dear Listeners, we encourage you to share this episode of We Want The D with everyone you know. This week, however, we ask that you share this episode as covertly and privately as possible. For the NASA Police could be anywhere, and if they catch wind of Vicky, Nolan, and Jill's coversations about them, the consequences could be dire. Your hosts risk their own freedom in order to tell you about Disney's FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR - a movie about a less-than-epic journey in an alien spaceship, piloted by a time-displaced preteen and an AI that sounds suspiciously like PeeWee Herman. A movie so 80s it features timely references to both Twisted Sister AND New Coke. A movie with so little substance that our hosts could only actually generate about forty-five minutes of content, so we filled the rest of the space with some wonderful fan mail we've received, and an announcement of yet another place to get your D fill online. So spread the D around (on the QT, though - NASA Police!), and get your ears ready for another episode of We Want The D!