David Imel is a tech journalist and photographer currently living in New York City. He and I linked up during my last trip to NYC and we ended up having a conversation that SHOULD have been recorded for a podcast, but neither of us were really thinking about it. What I love about David is that he has both feet in the world of technology and phones, but he is also a photography nerd. So getting to pick his brain about the independent worlds of Google, Apple, and the traditional photography industry as I see it was a real treat. We talk tech, minimalism, computational photography and what that means to the market, as well as David making the recent transition from a nomadic lifestyle for the past 2 years to having a place to call home in NYC. This episode is packed with goodies and I hope you dig it!


David Imel on Instagram | David Imel on Twitter | davidimel.com

Using Fujifilm for Tech Journalism

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