" - A Label for Artists Run by Artists - " Gattsby Records, is a label founded by artists, for artists. At this record company our vision was to bring the focus back to the artist's music and remove the unwanted harshness of major label business practice. As musicians ourselves we understand artist concerns on the business front and the annoyance of marketing, distribution, and confusing contracts. We get it, artists want to do one thing and that's make kick ass music. Founded in London, Ontario our label strives to take the stress away from talented artists by providing them with marketing assistance (social media, website design, photographs), gig booking, digital distribution (Spotify, Apple Music), recording sessions, and production advice.

Show Notes:

What is Gattsby

Conquering Social Media

Growing a record label

Hosting Live Shows

So Much More!


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gattsbyreco...

Website: https://www.gattsbyrecords.com/