Check out Living Water here. Check out Water is Life here. We’re a podcast focused on spreading awareness and motivating people from apathy to action on issues that matter to our Columbus community. For our first episode we have Bobby Tucker, the founder of Living Water, an organization dedicated to bringing clean water to those … More We Should Care About Living Water

Check out Living Water here.

Check out Water is Life here.

We’re a podcast focused on spreading awareness and motivating people from apathy to action on issues that matter to our Columbus community. For our first episode we have Bobby Tucker, the founder of Living Water, an organization dedicated to bringing clean water to those who have a right to it. We are also joined by our producer Ashleigh Lemon and Tyler Collen who started Water is Life as their own initiative to help Bobby and the thousands of people over in Zimbabwe, Africa. We discuss the borehole solution, the experiences of traveling over to Zimbabwe, and how to handle people who are complacent to the problem.

Hosted by Walta Yoseph and Brian Doney.

Produced by Ashleigh Lemon.

A Comedy Floorboard Production.

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