Hey pals! We are back from bear country and ready to dive into listener suggestion THE PERKS OF LOVING A WALLFLOWER by Erica Ridley. Tommy Winchester, a gender fluid heist master, and Phillipa York, the wallflower love of Tommy's life, team up to take down the patriarchy and have a lot of hot sapphic sex. This book has homing kittens, vigilantes, and communication exclusively through animal sounds. Alison explains the ins and outs of British Parliament and cyphers (in a fun way, we swear), and Rachel digs into cat DNA while having a bunch of brain blasts. Awkward gays and giggles abound! Enjoy the show!

Brazen banter: Ben & Jerry's rebellion! Calico cats! Clown eggs! Muppets Beauty and the Beast!

Cat Scale: 8

Revolutionary Resources

The Wells Fargo Wagon

Calico cat DNA

Klinefelter Syndrome

Vauxhall Gardens

British Sign Language

Married Women's Property Acts

Clown Eggs

Monty Python's Killer Bunny

Jackson Galaxy should you leash train your cat

House of Lords

Matilda (1996) ending scene


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