Merry Christmas and welcome to the last day of 25 Days of We're So Xmas! We're so happy that you joined us for this wonderful celebration of Christmas and hope you'll continue to listen on the 25th of every month in 2020.

Today we are focusing on our favorite Christmas traditions and stories, which seem to focus a lot on fish. Like Lutefisk and Pickled Herring. Which may 100% be your thing. But if it's not, how about pancakes? Swedish Pancakes to be specific.

The take away from Heather's Christmas story? Spay & Neuter your pets as young as 2 months or as light as 2 pounds!

To wrap things up(!) here are a couple gifts for you. First off, a video on how to put on chains from Heather. Watch it before you need it, you'll be happy you did.

And from Cliff, The Johnson Family Swedish Pancake Recipe:

3 Eggs
2 cups Milk
1 cup Flour
2 Tbs Sugar
Dash of Salt
1/4 cup Melted Butter

Mix all ingrediants in a blender until smooth and well mixed. Pre heat a 10" non-stick pan until the pan is hot (if you pancakes stick, you may need to add butter or cooking spray in between each pancake). Pour roughly a 1/4 cup of the batter into the pan...