Do you not just like Christmas, but LOVE Christmas? And specifically, do you love Hallmark Christmas movies? Then do we have the job for you!

Apply right now and get your DREAM job, the one that pays you to sit at home in your pjs and watch Hallmark movies all day. If you get hired, you'll watch 24 Hallmark movies in 12 days and make $1,000 (plus a bunch of cool gifts and swag!) If you apply, we are definitely going to want to see your video submission. But hurry, you only have until Dec. 6th to apply!

Visit for details.

Now that you have an extra $1,000, what are you going to do with it? Our suggestion? Go to Goodwill (or your local charity retailer of choice) and buy all of the fur coats that folks have dontated and send them to Snuggle Coats!

Snuggle Coats is a cool charity based out of Australia that takes donated furs and then donates them to animal welfare groups. They groups then use them to rehabilitate animals in their care in a far more natural environment.

You can find out more about Snuggle Coats here:

If you'd prefer to send your fur to somewhere more local (and not have to deal with import restrictions in Australia) Snuggle Coats recommends these groups in the US:
