Everything Ends Here. 

We call an end to the Dan Frost trilogy by completely not inviting him on and instead bringing on the completely wonderful Peter Willington. 

There is no structure here. Only some chat about Kickstarters, Making Games, Richard persuading Peter to buy everything he thinks is good especially Ashes - Rise of the Phoenixborne. 

Peter is an absolute delight to talk to and if you like his chat  then please do your ears a favour and make sure you check out Staying in, with Peter, Sam and Kris. 

And Dan. The glue that holds everything together.

Links of Note. 

Find StayingIn Podcast at - http://stayingin.podbean.com/ 

Find it on itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/staying-in/id1095055588?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D10 

Make sure you like, subscribe and drop a review. 

Find Stayingin on Twitter - https://twitter.com/stayinginpod 

Find Peter by digging a pit, covering it with branches and placing a copy of Battlefleet Gothic on top..




Like what you hear? Then please support us.

YOUTUBE - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC03LRG64f05w0C3Bs3aZ4sA Website - www.werenotwizards.com Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/werenotwizards Twitter.com - http://www.twitter.com/werenotwizards  If you like what you have heard, please take some time to Rate, Subscribe and Review us on iTunes. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/were-not-wizards/id1084198405  Get us on Stitcher - http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/were-not-wizards  Get us through acast - http://www.acast.com/werenotwizards Check out our pictures -www.instagram.com/werenotwizards  


Music is owned entirely by We're Not Wizards and thanks to DouglasVBEmail us [email protected]  Remember, we are many things but We're Not Wizards.

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