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Misty and I interview Authors Leslie and Stephen about their unusual (or are they?) experiences with extraterrestrials, and their book, Who They Are and What They're Up To.

This is a video podcast on Spotify, and our Season 6 Finale.

Want to know more about Stephen and Leslie?

Our book, “Who They Are: And What They’re Up To,” is available on Amazon at…

Leslie Shaw has been working as a journalist for the past 18 years. She is also a trained artist with a bachelor’s degree in experimental animation and ancient art history.

Stephen is a retired acupuncturist, tai chi instructor and orchestral musician.

They both have a lifelong love affair with the UFO subject.

They are both UFO witnesses and Stephen and his very psychic family have been victims of the alien abduction phenomenon for at least 3 generations.

They have spent 20 years researching their UFO book Who They Are: And What They’re Up To.

On Ingram Books, and on Instagram and Facebook, both
