I interview Faith about ego and spirituality, and much more!

Thank you, Faith Dear.
Want to know more about Faith?

·      Everclear – Faith D / Faith Dear https://www.everclear.com/faithdear
·      Faith Dear Readings on all social media platforms, or email [email protected]
Resources for people looking to further explore their spirituality, and/or find mentors:EverClear - for psychic readings and mentors - http://www.everclear.com Center of the Golden One - Free meditations and info re: Spiritual Masters - https://centerofthegoldenone.com Insight L.A. - Buddhist tradition, great beginning meditation classes, have pay what you can options - https://insightla.org/Sai Maa - Indian tradition of Guru/Disciple mentorship -Divine Feminine and Healing Energy - https://www.sai-maa.com/Self Realization Fellowship - Yogananda - Indian tradition of guru/student - offer a lot of self led courses https://yogananda.org/
Equine Therapy - https://www.bodynsoulequestrian.com/equine-facilitated-psychotherapy or search in your area for a qualified Equine therapist

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