I have Julia back to the show to talk about how comfortable people are getting with being introduced to their psychic sides and intuition... We talk about ascension symptoms, and lots, lots more!

This is a video podcast on Spotify.

Want to know more about Julia?

Julia Harrell is a Clairvoyant and Spiritual Guide who helps Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, and Intuitives to overcome their sensitivities, heal themselves, and thrive.As a rock drummer in San Francisco, Julia struggled to fit into environments geared toward drinking and spacing out. Once she recognized this pattern, she began meditating and found her true place through spiritual training and practice. She went from being told she was ‘too sensitive’ and shutting the world out with loud drums to not only learning to overcome the sensitivities but also opening her natural spiritual abilities to see (Clairvoyance) and know (Claircognizance) truth for herself.This shift in her life led Julia to study clairvoyant development over the past 30 years. Since 2008, she has guided thousands of students through professional readings, healings, and teachings. She now witnesses miracles weekly as her students wake up to who they truly are and begin to understand their purpose.Julia was featured in Marin Living’s Groundbreaking Women edition and has been a guest on several podcasts. She also had her own podcast channel on Awareness Ascending, an all-livestream awakening network.She is a contributing author to Olivia Whiteman's upcoming book, Harmony in Chakras Volume  3: Raising Happy and Healthy Children: For Entrepreneurs Working at Home.

Julia is also working on her book, Sensitivity as a Strength, Your Path to Spiritual

Awakening.Website- https://www.juliaharrell.com

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/juliaharrell_spiritualguide/

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/JuliaHarrellClairvoyant

Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/juliaharrellspiritualguide

Tiktok- @Julia.spiritualguide

Thank you for watching and listening.