I have Su Maya back to the show to teach us about the energetic vibes that make up us, the universe and beyond!

This is an audio only podcast.

Want to know more about Su Maya?

Su Maya is a highly-sensitive intuitive Advisor, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Animal and Pet Psychic, Spiritual Counselor, Astrologer, Aura and Energy Reader, with more than 32 years of experience and several degrees.

She may call on Spirit Guides for additional information or clarity. She has raised the consciousness of thousands of clients with her consultations and radio broadcasts. She is compassionate and someone who understands you and your situation.

With Su, you can feel safe while discussing your personal issues in love, romance and relationships, money, career and finance. Once you have the answers you need, you can move forward in confidence and have faith that everything is going to work out.

Call her for immediate insight and transformation with any life issues.

Everclear: 1 (801) 797-3867


