We’re living in politically divisive times.  On the heels of impeachment, with the primary process in full swing, and with the Presidential election looming this fall, things seem to be getting even more intense on this front.  And while we’re often told, directly or indirectly, not to talk about politics at work, it’s hard not to do so these days. For a number of reasons, it’s important for us to find ways to talk about politics, in a respectful and authentic way that brings us closer together - at work and in life. This week on the podcast I share my thoughts on how we can do this and specifically how we can create a more open and inclusive environment at work, where people feel safe to share their opinions about politics and more (even and especially if those opinions are different).


Key Takeaways:

[3:04] How can we be more authentic and bring our whole self to work in the midst of incredibly intense and divisive political times?

[6:03] There's wisdom in not talking about taboo topics like politics, religion, and money, but it is increasingly more difficult to separate our personal and professional lives and we need to find ways to talk about these topics in a more mature way.

[11:01] We have been through some difficult political times and recent Presidential elections have been a very intense process.

[14:51] The last Presidential term has been particularly difficult for Mike. He explains why he feels like the campaigning has not stopped since Donald Trump was elected, and what that means for the general sentiment on the ground.

[17:48] Even as we feel more divided politically, we need to find ways to respect, support and relate to people who might vote differently from us, and who might hold different opinions.

[23:51] Being inclusive can’t just happen on certain, select fronts. There is inner work that needs to be done on a personal level to become inclusive, not just on a surface level.

[28:27] Mike challenges us all to be real, authentic, and vulnerable with ourselves and with each other.



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We're All in This Together: Creating a Team Culture of High Performance, Trust, and Belonging, by Mike Robbins (Pre-order)

“An open letter to my fellow straight white men…”, Mike Robbins Blog
We’re All In This Together, Mike Robbins Blog




“How can we be in environments where we have to interact with people who see things differently than we do, and still be able to maintain a sense of openness?” — @mikedrobbins


“It’s important to create an environment that is psychologically safe enough for people to respectfully disagree about politics and more.” — @mikedrobbins


“Honesty without self-righteousness and with vulnerability — that’s authenticity.”

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