Conscious leadership is so important, especially right now.  On this episode, I talk to my friend and colleague Carley Hauck about her brand new book, Shine: Ignite Your Inner Game to Lead Consciously at Work and in the World.  Carley is a leadership expert who works with top conscious businesses and teaches at both Stanford and UC Berkeley.  In this conversation we discuss how inner transformation leads to outer transformation, as well as the importance of creating a more inclusive and sustainable world. 


We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins

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Shine: Ignite Your Inner Game to Lead Consciously at Work and in the World, by Carley Hauck

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“Inner transformation leads to outer transformation.” — @CarleyHauck


“We need conscious leadership now more than ever.” — @CarleyHauck


“We have the opportunity right now to be a part of a new paradigm and change the world for the greatest good.” — @CarleyHauck

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