Bill Cates is the President of Referral Coach International and author of multiple books including Get More Referrals Now and Beyond Referrals. His latest book, Radical Relevance, is all about how we can break through the noise to get our message out and engage people effectively. Drawing on his over 30 years of experience, Bill shares some essential insights about relevance, resonance, and the importance of creating a human connection. In this illuminating interview, Bill also reveals why internal marketing is just as important as external, and his strategies for getting people to engage.


Key Takeaways:

[3:50] Bill has a wealth of expertise and experience in writing and speaking. What got him started on this journey?

[9:21] In addition to talent and hard work, there is an X-factor of timing and things falling into place that contributes to success.

[11:46] What is the difference between something that people really engage with and something that fails to get a reaction? Bill talks about relevance and resonance as factors that contribute to success.

[14:27] Marketing is not just an external process. There’s also an internal marketing piece of keeping people within the organization informed, engaged, and inspired by what’s going on in the business.

[17:29] What are some of Bill’s tips for tailoring the message to the unique audience you’re trying to reach? Context is key.

[21:31] If you want to get referrals and more people introducing you, you need to be remarkable i.e. worthy of remark, and have a human connection. People will do business with people they like!

[31:16] What are some strategies to get people to engage with you before you have a personal connection with them?

[36:15] How can we think about clarifying our message and having a specific call to action, without being pushy and obnoxious?

[42:27] Bill is very engaged in his life and work with a lot of vitality and energy. How does he nourish that at a personal level and what are some practices that help him stay energized?

[44:43] What are some supportive environments, groups or communities that nourish Bill’s growth, learning and well-being?



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Bill Cates

Referral Coach International

National Speakers Association

Get More Referrals Now, by Bill Cates

Beyond Referrals, by Bill Cates

Radical Relevance, by Bill Cates

CPAE Hall of Fame

We’re All In This Together Podcast Episode 159: “Making Positive Change with the Start-Stop-Continue Technique”




“Luck is opportunity meeting preparedness.” — @Bill_Cates


“For people to fully engage, they need to see their direct connection to the mission and vision.” — @Bill_Cates


“All things being equal, people will do business with people they like. All things not being equal, people will still do business with people they like!” — @Bill_Cates

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